The licence is given to crane companies to operate in the port. The licence is categorised based on the area of operation. The contract period is 1 year and it is renewable on expiry but subject to JP Operations Department / Workplace Safety Health(WSH) Department for approval.
To qualify for the crane operator licence, the crane company is to write to WSH to register for the licence. WSH will inform the company to submit the application together with the company’s details.
On approval, the successful crane company is required to provide a Banker Guarantee.
The company is also to purchase the Mechanical Equipment sticker. This sticker allows for the equipment to operate in the port.
(1) Mobile Crane License is granted to crane company to operate their registered crane (s) for crane operation in 37 Jurong Port only. The License is categorised as Class A, B & C (subject to BizSAFE Level Certification). The license class is based on the number of mobile cranes allowed to register with JP.
(2) Mobile Crane License is implemented by WSH only. The contract period is 1 year. WSH shall email invite all Mobile Crane Company to apply and register for the Mobile Crane License for the annual licensing (commencing on 1 Jun of each year). To qualify for the crane operator licence, the crane company is to submit the application together with the company’s details and fulfilment of the license criteria. On approval, the successful crane company is required to provide a Banker Guarantee.
(3) Successful Mobile Crane Company is issued with a Crane Pass for each registered crane, which allows for the crane to operate in the port. An annual Administrative Fee of $25 is charged per mobile crane registered.