Please inform your Data Security Administrator (DSA) to login to JP-Online and check if your mobile number and email address are updated.Read more
Please inform your Data Security Administrator (DSA) to login to JP-Online and check if your mobile number and email address are updated.Read more
Change of password is required when a JP-Online Account has been inactive for more than 3 months. At login, the system will prompt to request for new password. Follow the steps below for a new password: (1) At JP-Online login page, click “Forgot your password?” (2) Key in the User ID and either the emailRead more
Headquartered in Singapore, Jurong Port is a leading international multipurpose port operator handling general, bulk and containerised cargo. Jurong Port began operations in 1965 as a general and bulk cargo port, serving the development needs of Singapore’s Jurong industrial estate. Today, its main gateway terminal in Singapore welcomes more than 15,000 vessels each year from both the region and internationally.